252 Awards

252 Award Scheme

The 252 award scheme is a structured program designed to enhance your shooting skills at varying distances while also acknowledging your progress and accomplishments. Widely adopted by archery clubs across the UK, this scheme is inclusive to all archers, regardless of age, skill level, or type of bow used.

During the 252 award scheme, participants are required to shoot 6 ends of 6 arrows each, totaling 3 dozen arrows, at a 122cm target face placed at a distance of their choosing.

The round can be undertaken at distances of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, or 100 yards. The objective is to achieve a score of 252 points or higher, although alternative score thresholds apply for different types of bows.

Upon successfully attaining the required score on three separate occasions, participants become eligible to claim a badge as recognition of their accomplishment.

The Rules

  • Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.
  • 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1) using a 122cm target face.
  • You can claim the score of the first 3 dozen arrows shot as part of a longer imperial round, but they must be the first 3 dozen, you can’t choose to start your 252 part way through the longer round.
  • Badges must be claimed in sequence.
  • Scores need to be achieved three times to qualify for the award.
  • Qualifying scores for a given distance must be shot on different days
Score Requirements for all bow styles

Recuve Bow Score Compound Bow Score Longbow Score Barebow Score
White Award, (20 Yards) 252 280 164 189
Black Award, (30 Yards) 252 280 164 189
Blue Award, (40 Yards) 252 280 164 189
Red Award, (50 Yards) 252 280 164 189
Yellow Award, (60 Yards) 252 280 164 189
Green Award, (80 Yards) 252 280 126 164
Purple Award, (100 Yards) 252 280 101 139

To make an award claim three signed and witnessed score sheets needs to be submitted to the club’s Records Officer.

Updated: 24-Jul-204; Added 252 score sheet